GEMS Royal Dubai School is proud to be associated and accredited to a number of world-renowned education organisations. We strive to be recognised for delivering the most up-to-date and innovative teaching practices.

Primary Science Quality Mark

Awarded the Primary Science Quality Mark (Gilt standard) for our work in Science across the school.

High Performance Learning

One of the first group of schools in the UAE to achieve this status and be recognized as a World Class High Performance Learning School. Successful re-accredited in September 2022, HPL is central to our vision moving forward.  

Council of British International Schools

GEMS Royal Dubai School is  a certified COBIS member recognising British International Schools of Global Quality.

SENDIA Inclusion Award

This award helps schools deliver high-quality education for pupils with SEND. Compliant with the SEND Code of Practice, the award framework focuses on removing barriers to learning through early identification, inclusive teaching and leadership.

Learning Ladders

GEMS Royal Dubai School is an Ambassador for Learning Ladders teaching and assessment tool.


GEMS Royal Dubai School also has strong partnerships with Renaissance Learning through the very successful use of the Accelerated Reader program.

Eco-Schools (Silver Award)

Eco-Schools (Silver Award)

Eco-Schools is a growing phenomenon, which encourages young people to engage in their environment by allowing them the opportunity to actively protect it. It starts in the classroom, it expands to the school and eventually fosters change in the community at large.

Optimus Education

GEMS Royal Dubai School are proud to be awarded the @OptimusEd award in Well-Being and Leading Parental Partnership.  This is wonderful recognition of the hard work and commitment of all stakeholders (staff, parents and students) to ensure that we are Achieving Excellence Together in the areas of Well-Being and Parental Partnership. 

school admissions
FS1 - YEAR 8