
We are very proud to have been rated by Dubai Schools Inspection Bureau (DSIB) inspection as having a ‘systematic approach’ to innovation. This is the highest rating achievable and we see innovation in all that we do. Innovation comes into every aspect of our school and is not just about digital learning, although this is an important part of it.

GEMS Royal Dubai School is committed to giving all pupils the opportunity to achieve to the highest standards. In an ever-changing society innovation in education is vital to ensure that we give our students the best chance of succeeding in a future that is unpredictable and with technological advances that are evolving at an exponential rate. Our young students are being shaped by the ever-developing environment that they live in and are exposed to and our pedagogy needs to support the changing times as we strive to achieve an excellent education for each of our students, equipping them with 21st century transferable tools and skills.

“All people have an ocean of achievement inside themselves just waiting to escape.” - Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum 


In their end of Year project, The Global Futures Curriculum students in Year 6 work collaboratively focusing on a different exponential technology and how it could be used to solve one of the problems facing us in modern times. This is a fantastic project for the students as they prepare to transition into secondary school.

Technical innovation at GEMS Royal School is an important part of our school ethos. We are constantly looking for ways to make our learning even more meaningful and fun for the children. In our Innovation Lab, we have over 30 brand new iMacs which can be used for everything from typing up a Word document to creating a 3Dmodel to print on our 3Dprinter. The Lab is also equipped with Dash robots, drones, Lego Wedo 2, Lego Mindstorms and our latest additions of Spheros and Class VR headsets. So far this year, we have had our Year 2 students virtually visit the Burj Khalifa and other aerial views of Dubai.

Year 1 made a virtual visit to the rainforest where they got to the see the indigenous wildlife and Year 5 made a virtual visit to the International Space Station, where will we go next? In addition to using Virtual Reality, we have used Dash robots to create a crime story, our Spheros have been Viking invaders and have demonstrated the relationship between predator and prey. We are looking forward to seeing where the children’s imagination will take them next.

  • Innovation is driven by a commitment to excellence and continuous improvement. It is based on curiosity, the willingness to take risks, to experiment and to test assumptions as well as questioning and challenging the status quo. Being innovative is about looking beyond what we currently do well, identifying the great ideas of tomorrow and putting them into practice.

    DSIB, 2015

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